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196+ roundtable

196+ roundtable is a series of events on all continents. The key goals are to exchange ideas on new projects and other topics relevant to the regional hospitality sector as well as to provide high-level networking opportunities.

From 2022, there will be 16 roundtables in Europe, 16 in Africa, 11 in the Americas and 16 in Asia-Pacific, all together 59 roundtables globally. They usually consist of a discussion round in the course of an afternoon, two coffee breaks and an informal dinner.

Who should attend

At the 196+ roundtables, between 30 and 40 key decision-makers of the hospitality sector gather, including development managers of hotel groups, developers, owners & operators of hotels, representatives of tourism authorities as well as consultants, architects, lawyers, and educators involved in the sector.

The participants of all 196+ roundtables per continent are invited to the relevant continental 196+ summit, taking place in the first half of December.

How to attend

Participation is complimentary, by invitation only. If you are interested to attend any of the 196+ roundtables, please send an email to events@196plus.com.